How to Overcome Analysis Paralysis and Make a Decision

Yellow and Black 2-way Signage

Don’t let the fear of choosing wrong stop you from making a decision. Have you ever prayed about a major life decision and not received an answer? The first time this happened to me, I panicked. Why wasn’t God helping me decide? What if I made the wrong decision? I… Continue reading

How I Found Happiness in Average Creativity

Cupcakes with blue frosting

There’s more to creativity than you might think, and you don’t have to be perfect at being creative to find happiness in it. Throughout my early years as a young adult, I always felt average—a jack-of-all-trades, master of none. My musical talent was average. My art was average. My writing… Continue reading

Let Your Future Be Bright

Yellow sunflower field

Sometimes the most difficult thing about change is letting go of our past mistakes and allowing ourselves to be better. People change. Although this statement is true, we don’t always act like it is. Sometimes we dwell on our mistakes. Sometimes we hold on to our regrets. Sometimes other people… Continue reading