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4 Steps to Finding Your Role in God’s Work

Every person has a role in God’s work. As you discover yours, you can find happiness and purpose.

The “decade of decisions” we face as young adults will affect the rest of our lives. What should we study? Where should we work? Who should we marry?

These big questions are put in perspective by Elder John C. Pingree Jr. in the general conference address “‘I Have a Work for Thee.’” He reminds us that the answers center on our role in God’s work. Elder Pingree offers four principles for finding our place in life and illustrates them with examples that apply to young adults and to anyone else experiencing a change in life.

  1. Focus on others. When weighing our opportunities, we can be like the
    "Every one of us has a meaningful role to play in furthering God's work." --John C. Pingree

    Photo by Eduardo Prim

    Savior and choose the option that will lead us to do the most good. As we seek to help other people, we’ll have greater satisfaction in life.

  2. Discover and develop spiritual gifts. Elder Pingree teaches that “Heavenly Father gave us these gifts to help us identify, perform, and enjoy the work He has for us.” We can come to recognize spiritual gifts by reading our patriarchal blessings and asking those who know us best.
  3. Make use of adversity. We can choose to actively use the trials in our lives as a springboard for helping others. Through our setbacks we gain empathy and experience that can bless those around us.
  4. Rely on God. Ultimately we must depend on our faith in Jesus Christ. God does have a plan for us, and if we seek to follow it we can move forward with confidence, even when things don’t seem to add up.

By following Elder Pingree’s counsel, we can discover what God wants us to accomplish in life and can contribute to furthering God’s work, no matter our circumstances.

Read, watch, or listen to Elder John C. Pingree’s talk “‘I Have a Work for Thee’” for real-life examples of how Latter-day Saints live these principles.

Source: LDS General Conference

—William Adams, Mormon Insights

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Find more insights

Check out Elder Ronald A. Rasband’s general conference address “By Divine Design” to see other ways God works in our lives.

Watch or read President Dieter F. Uchtdorf’s message “Of Regrets and Resolutions” to learn how to avoid living with regret by pursuing happiness and holiness.

Read “How Do I Know This Is God’s Plan For Me?” on Mormon Insights for more ideas on knowing your place in God’s plan. 

Study “How to Live Well amid Increasing Evil,” by Elder Richard G. Scott.

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