Witnessing the Power of Community Care

The Lord has blessed us with friends and neighbors to strengthen us when the floods of life—literal or metaphorical—threaten to overwhelm us. I’d never truly understood the destructive power of water until I witnessed it submerge my hometown under seven feet of water. In 2017, Hurricane Harvey overtook many homes… Continue reading

Family History: How Do We Even Start?

Young adult woman holding temple cards

We know we need to do family history, but the mere thought can be overwhelming. What should we do? Why should we care about people who exist as little more than names on a piece of paper? Recently, President Russell M. Nelson has emphasized the importance of gathering Israel and… Continue reading

A More Perfect Love

Group of smiling people sitting in grass

As we reach out to one another in empathy and love, our diversity can unite us. I love Berlin. Of all the wonderful places in the world, it’s one of my favorites because of its rich human diversity. While living in Berlin, I brushed shoulders with people from all over… Continue reading

Education: More Than Preparation for Motherhood

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As women in the Church, we often hear that an education will prepare us for motherhood. But perhaps the Lord wants us to prepare for that and more. Many women in the Church have contemplated this question: “If I want to be a stay-at-home mom, why should I gain an… Continue reading

Love Thyself as Thou Lovest Thy Neighbor

ring on hand

We are told to love our neighbors as we do ourselves, but what do we do when we struggle to love ourselves? When a friend or a neighbor makes a mistake or does something that makes us mad, we might be annoyed or frustrated at them for a while, but… Continue reading

One Thing You’re Forgetting When You Pray

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If you’re praying for God’s healing Balm of Gilead, remember that other people are too. You might be surprised how serving others will call down the power of heaven on your own behalf. Mortality is hard for all of us—nothing we do can earn us a pass from the “sore… Continue reading

Following the Spirit to Comfort Others

Sun behind white wispy clouds drifting over a blue sky

Sometimes a little comfort is all you need to make it through a particularly bad day, week, month, or even year. The Holy Spirit is quiet, but if we let it, it can make a powerful difference in our lives. Not only does it help us to make hard decisions… Continue reading

Where Do Lonely Hearts Go?

girl looking at ocean

Belonging is an individual feeling. But paradoxically, belonging is also a group activity. Although human beings are vastly different, one thing links us all in a shared human experience: our emotions. At one point or another, we’ve all felt the breath of peaceful relief, the smile of giddy joy, the… Continue reading

What Can I Do to Help?

“For those of us who have watched news of recent events and have felt helpless to know what to do, the answer might actually be right before us.” —Bonnie L. Oscarson What can one person do against the impossibly dark flood of war, disease, poverty, and hate? Christ answers with… Continue reading

Trying: Improving Our Efforts by Taking the Name of Christ

Desert highway

As we try our best during trials, we can lean on Jesus Christ for support. We fortify our relationship with Christ as we direct our energy to service. “I’ve been having a hard time adjusting I had the shiniest wheels, now they’re rusting … I just wanted you to know… Continue reading