Answering the Challenging Question: Why?

As members of the Church, we often meet people who ask why we act a certain way. Keeping Christ as the common denominator can aid in answering these questions. Continue reading
As members of the Church, we often meet people who ask why we act a certain way. Keeping Christ as the common denominator can aid in answering these questions. Continue reading
Decision-making can be a simple process when we put Christ first. In the October 2022 General Conference, Elder Dieter F. Uchtdorf announced an updated version of the Church’s “For the Strength of Youth” pamphlet. This pamphlet has served as a guideline for the youth of the Church since 1965, with… Continue reading
You do not have to be a full-time missionary to share your testimony and bring others to Christ.
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Creativity can encourage us to seek out beautiful inspiration around us, helping us grow closer to our Heavenly Father. Continue reading