The Cycle of Self-Worth

In life, we have moments when we love ourselves . . . and we have moments when we don’t.

Self-worth is a cycle of self-love and self-hate. Enjoy the self-love and push though the self-hate.

Photo by Giuseppe Murabito

The world tells us we should find our self-worth in the money we make, the clothes we wear, the house we own, the car we drive, and so on. Because of these expectations, we all endure a cycle of high and low self-esteem. From the world, we don’t learn that we need to love ourselves and be loved by our Master. We don’t learn that our purpose lies in God. “A Piano’s Purpose,” a beautiful video from Mormon Channel, portrays the cycle of self-worth.

The video begins by showing an old woman who loves and treasures her piano. When the woman dies, the piano is left without a purpose and with no one to play it. After a while, another woman finds this piano, now old and dingy, at a thrift store and recognizes what it could be. She fixes up the piano, giving it new worth and purpose. 

Like the piano, we all have times when we feel that we are loved and belong. Unfortunately, we also have times in our lives when we feel like we’ve been abandoned and left to collect dust.

When we are in the self-hate part of this cycle, we have to remember that we were created in the image of our Heavenly Father. Christ saw the potential that we each have. He paid the ultimate price to make each of us a magnificent instrument. We need to treasure ourselves and see the beautiful person that God created.

We need to remember that God has a plan for each of us. This knowledge can help us push through self-hate and enjoy self-love instead. Watch “A Piano’s Purpose” to see the journey one piano takes, and try to relate the experience to your own life.

Source: Mormon Channel

—Naomi Hurd, Mormon Insights

feature image by randy jacob

Find more insights

Watch “Our True Identity” to learn what President Dieter F. Uchtdorf has to say about discovering your self-worth.

Check out Mindy Raye Friedman’s article, “Truth, Lies, and Your Self-Worth,” which dispels lies and affirms truths of self-worth. 

Read “What Am I Worth?” to learn how Adam C. Olsen discovered his worth by buying a TV.

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One Comment

  1. I love how in your example the piano still has the same worth and purpose but just looked a bit beat up. That’s a lovely analogy. Thanks for reminding us all of our self-worth.

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