How Can I “Think Celestial”?

The Christus statue from the Salt Lake Temple visitor's center

In the face of adversity, it can be difficult to believe that God loves and wants the best for us. We can manage this doubt by thinking celestial. I had a rough year in 2019 (little did I know what 2020 had coming for us all!): my family moved from… Continue reading

What Heavenly Mother Teaches Us About the Plan of Salvation

By knowing what church leaders say about Heavenly Mother, we can know our place in the Plan of Salvation. Latter-day Saint Insights has published several articles detailing who Heavenly Mother is, how we venerate her, and how knowing about her can help us. Each article provides keen insights about Heavenly… Continue reading

Doing as Dancers Do to Make Meaningful Life Changes


How can we become in tune with ourselves and focus our attention on what matters most?  “Abby, point your toes, tuck your pelvis, and drop your hip.” Growing up as a dancer, I would often hear these comments from my teachers as I spent countless afternoons in the dance studio.… Continue reading

Feeling Trapped? Sacrifice the Things that Bind Us

How often do we find ourselves feeling trapped—physically, mentally, and spiritually? Making sacrifices in our lives provides us a way to break free and draw closer to the Lord. Agency is a powerful tool we can use to break free from circumstances that hold us captive; our choices make all… Continue reading

Lessons from the Life of Mack Wilberg

While Mack Wilberg is a world-renowned conductor and composer, he also remains a humble and committed disciple of Christ. Learn from Elder Gerrit Gong how Dr. Wilberg maintains this balance. Dr. Mack Wilberg has been the music director of the Tabernacle Choir at Temple Square since March 2008; between 1999… Continue reading

Protecting God’s Creations

River in the rainforest

As we appreciate the incredible beauty of God’s creations, we remember that we can play a part in preserving them for future generations. In his BYU forum, “Exploring Nature’s Curiosity Cabinet,” Dr. Paul Alan Cox reflects on the wonders of nature’s curiosity cabinet, which he describes as “compact versions of… Continue reading

Even Our Sins

Sunburst through a cloudy sky

The gifts of Christ’s Atonement extend to cover all of life’s sorrows. It’s easy to talk about the ways that Christ’s Atonement can help us through trials beyond our control. After all, at some point everyone will face challenges that they didn’t ask for. But sometimes, the source of our… Continue reading

Taking Control of Our Thoughts

We can be empowered to take control over our own thoughts and increase our spiritual connection to God. Some days it feels like everywhere I turn I’m being overwhelmed by information. Sometimes my mind can’t take it, and I feel like I’ve lost control of my own thoughts. But I’ve… Continue reading

Is He Really My Savior?

Time lapse photography of person standing near train

I’ve grown up believing that Christ is my Redeemer, but sometimes it’s hard to believe that he can actually save me. In psychology, a flashbulb memory refers to a vivid memory of a past moment, usually a shocking or emotionally charged event. I have a flashbulb memory from when I… Continue reading