Finding Your Miracles

We read about many miracles in the scriptures, but do miracles still happen today?

In the New Testament we read about the miracles Jesus performed when he healed multitudes of the sick and the maimed. You may also have heard a few modern stories of people whose bodies have healed despite the predictions of doctors. But why do we not hear about as many miracles today as there were in the scriptures?  How can we request miracles in our own lives?

Photo by Ravi Roshan.

In Dallin H. Oaks’s talk “Miracles,” he explains one reason we don’t hear about as many miracles today. He quotes Brigham Young, who said, “Miracles, or these extraordinary manifestations of the power of God, are not for the unbeliever; they are to console the Saints, and to strengthen and confirm the faith of those who love, fear, and serve God, and not for outsiders.” Miracles are meant to help build and strengthen personal faith. So publicly shared miracles, such as those described in the scriptures, are the exception, not the rule.

But miracles still occur today, and we can seek them in our own lives. President Oaks explains that “a change of heart, including new attitudes, priorities, and desires, is greater and more important than any miracle involving the body.” We can therefore ask for spiritual miracles that benefit us in this life. He further elaborates that whether or not our bodies are healed as we desire in this life, they will be restored to perfection at the resurrection. Ultimately the greatest miracles—Christ’s Atonement and Resurrection— have the power to heal our hearts and lives.

Learn more about miracles in our lives today by reading President Oaks’ talk “Miracles.”

Source: Ensign 

—Saralee Dunster, Mormon Insights


Find more insights

For more articles on miracles, read Thomas S. Monson’s talk, “Miracles— Then and Now.”

Also, “A God of Miracles by Sydney S. Reynolds.

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