How to Overcome the World’s Distractions

An Island inside a lake.

The world will always try to distract us from our spiritual pursuits, but we can learn to overcome worldly temptations while building a life centered on what our Heavenly Father wants for us. Have you ever wondered how you can have a life filled with deep, abiding joy? We can… Continue reading

Faith as a First Response

Image of house interior with windows

Life is hard. Faith makes it easier. In Elder Rex D. Pinegar’s October 1982 general conference address, “Faith—The Force of Life,” he shares an experience when his daughter was departing for college and was just now understanding the extent of the responsibilities lying ahead of her. After considering them all,… Continue reading

They’re Your Feet on the Path

Growing up, people used to tell us to follow our dreams. Now they want us to “be realistic.” However, it’s fully realistic to live a life that includes following our dreams. “You have brains in your head, you have feet in your shoes, you can steer yourself any direction you… Continue reading

The Novel We’re All Writing

It’s never too late to make your story a happy ending; sometimes you just need to be willing to add a plot twist. “It’s too late now.” This one sentence—just four words—is the most insidious lie of all. It’s too late now to learn, too late now to change, too… Continue reading

The Adventure Lasts a Lifetime

The call to adventure is inside you, beckoning you toward a glorious destiny. Don’t let your fear of dragons keep you from it. In every culture and age, humans have told and turned to stories for inspiration. Perhaps we hold on to stories because, in each of us, there is… Continue reading

3 Ways to Make a Great Life

Friends laughing together

What’s the secret to a happy, fulfilling life? It all comes down to three simple things.   Have you ever wished there was a key to making a good life? We all want to have a happy life with meaning and purpose, but we also have a difficult time figuring… Continue reading

Finding Your Miracles

We read about many miracles in the scriptures, but do miracles still happen today? In the New Testament we read about the miracles Jesus performed when he healed multitudes of the sick and the maimed. You may also have heard a few modern stories of people whose bodies have healed… Continue reading

Abortion: Clarity from a Prophet

Quiet the voices of the world and refocus on the sanctity of life by remembering President Russell M. Nelson’s counsel. Today, members of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints are truly peculiar in the eyes of the world. The commandments of God differ from many popular opinions, and… Continue reading

Four Words Can Transform Life’s Journey

butterfly on leaf

As we follow four important words in Alma 34:32, the purpose of life can become clearer, and our journey through life can become easier. It’s easy to become overwhelmed with all that living the gospel entails. The long list of to-do’s can distract us from the true purpose of life.… Continue reading

After the Checklist: What’s Next

Life doesn’t stop when we reach some of our goals. We have to set new ones to keep progressing.   Young adulthood is full of life-changing decisions such as where to attend college, whom to marry, and what career to pursue. Once we’ve checked these items off our figurative to-do… Continue reading