Trials often arise, even after great faith. We may wonder, Where is my miracle? We can recognize miracles daily when we understand the true definition of the word.
In the scriptures, we read of miraculous births, healing, and protection experienced by obedient and faithful followers of Christ. Because of these stories, I often ask where my miracles are, especially when I and others I know run into trials that seem to justify divine intervention. When those miracles don’t come, it’s easy for me to wonder if their absence is due to unworthiness or a lack of faith—or even if there really is such a thing as a miracle.
When we’re navigating these types of thoughts, it can be helpful to read Elder Donald L. Hallstrom’s talk “Has the Day of Miracles Ceased?” He reminds members who are navigating these types of thoughts that miracles are occurring today, just as they did in ancient times, as recorded in the scriptures. But miracles then and now might not look the same, meaning we might not recognize the miracles that occur today. Consequently, as Elder Hallstrom says, “Perhaps we lack an understanding of what constitutes a miracle.” He then teaches us that a miracle is “a beneficial event brought about through divine power that mortals do not understand.”

Photo by Danigeza
When we understand this definition, we can see that the issue isn’t that miracles have ceased; instead, the issue is that we’ve been unable to notice them because we’re looking for grander evidence of God’s hand in our lives. When we understand Elder Hallstrom’s definition of miracle, we can recognize that “being a child of God is a miracle. Receiving a body in his image and likeness is a miracle. The gift of a Savior is a miracle. The Atonement of Jesus Christ is a miracle. The potential for eternal life is a miracle.” When we understand this definition, we can understand that we’re living a miracle every day.
To learn more about how you can recognize everyday miracles, read Elder Donald L. Hallstrom’s talk “Has the Day of Miracles Ceased?”
—Claire Parker, Latter-day Saints Insights
Find more insights
Read more about modern-day miracles in President Thomas S. Monson’s talk “Miracles—Then and Now.”
Take a look at Hannah Charlesworth’s Latter-day Saint Insights article “How to Become a Spiritual First Responder” to better understand how you can be a miracle in someone’s life.
Read Saralee Dunster’s Latter-day Saint Insights article “Finding Your Miracle” for more ways to see miracles in your life.