Stormy sea rushing up to a coastline.

Steady in Faith

Now is the time to build a firm foundation of faith. When strong storms occur, we can stand steady on our rock of faith in Jesus Christ.

Because God intends for us to grow and progress in our earthly journey, we will inevitably face trials throughout our lives. Furthermore, we are endlessly tempted and attacked by Satan. In the face of such opposition, how can we feel peace knowing that storms lie ahead?

“Faith will lead you to daily repentance and consistent covenant keeping. Then you will always remember Him. And through the storms of hatred and wickedness, you will feel steady and hopeful.” By Henry B. Eyring


In “Steady in the Storms,” President Henry B. Eyring assures us that we can feel peace during trying times by preparing a solid foundation of faith in the Lord. This foundation is built through humility, love of God, and obedience to him. Our faith increases when we become like a child and trust in the Lord. Elder Eyring says, “Our natures must be changed to become as a child to gain the strength we must have to stand steady and at peace in times of peril.” The Lord will guide us as we build our foundation of faith.

However, foundations need maintenance. Once we begin to build our foundation, we must work to make it stronger. Our foundation of faith will strengthen as we pray, repent, and make and renew sacred covenants with God. President Henry B. Eyring testifies, “Faith will lead you to daily repentance and consistent covenant keeping.… And through the storms of hatred and wickedness, you will feel steady and hopeful.”

Building a strong foundation is a continual process. It takes daily effort to strengthen our faith. We have been promised that if we are steadfast in our efforts to build our faith, we will be strengthened. Our Father knows the storms ahead, but we can feel peace knowing he has made it possible for us to withstand storms and return home to him.

Read more about building a strong foundation of faith in “Steady in the Storms” by President Henry B. Eyring.

Source: General Conference

—Kassidy Acker, Latter-day Saint Insights


Find more insights

Read more about building faith in “Choosing Faith by Abbi Clark.

Take a look at “Pulling Life’s Weeds by Facing Trials” by Elizabeth Gallacher to learn more about how to find strength in life’s trials.

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