Understanding the Symbol of the Cross

A cross on top of a large building

Latter-day Saints do not normally wear physical crosses, but instead take up a symbolic cross in order to come unto Christ. Why do Latter-day Saints not wear crosses? I recently talked about this question with a fellow member of the Church. She told me that she did wear a cross… Continue reading

Calvary and Gethsemane: Where Did Christ Atone for Our Sins?

We tend to emphasize the role of Gethsemane in Christ’s Atonement, but the Crucifixion at Calvary also plays a crucial role. How can we come closer to Jesus Christ by learning about his death? Where did Christ’s Atonement take place? In Dr. John Hilton III’s interview titled “The Atoning Crucifixion,”… Continue reading

Finding Hope in Jesus Christ

Young man smiling in a field.

No matter how dark or difficult life becomes, there is always hope through our Savior, Jesus Christ. Have you ever felt like life has gone so wrong it could never be set right? Has something ever felt so hard or so painful that you weren’t sure you would survive? In… Continue reading