The Necessity of Being Judgmental

Although we should be careful how we judge, judgment is necessary for our eternal progression. I hear what people say when they call for no judgment: love the sinner, not the sin. But too often people, whether out of good intentions or bad, blur the phrase, taking it into dangerous… Continue reading

Judging with Compassion

Compassion is essential to making righteous judgments and maintaining respect in relationships. Many people interpret the Savior’s counsel “judge not” (Matthew 7:1) to be absolute and final. However, it is difficult to be truly nonjudgmental in our day-to-day lives. There are many situations in which we must make distinctions—or judgments—between… Continue reading

My Increased Respect for Those with Same-Sex Attraction

back of man's head on a city street

Given our drastically different life experiences, unless we exercise charity, it is all too easy to write off others’ soul-trying experiences as instances in which they simply made choices. I have three really good friends who have come out as gay, and I highly admire each of them, the first for his ability… Continue reading