Check Your Sources

Good sources of truth will guide you safely through this life to the next. Truth has become a slippery thing these days, hard to define and identify, especially since everyone seems to have their own version of it. In such confusing times, how can we discover what the truth really… Continue reading

The Reality of Heavenly Mother

Knowing that we have a Heavenly Mother doesn’t just make sense, but it’s also incredibly comforting. We are literal children of our Heavenly Father. Because we know this to be true and because we know it takes two parents to make a child, it makes sense that he is not… Continue reading

How to See the Love in God’s Laws

God has given us some pretty tough laws to follow because he loves us and knows what will ultimately be best for us. Life is hard. Sometimes it can feel like God is opposed to the desires of our hearts, and sometimes keeping his commandments can be downright painful. We… Continue reading

The Necessity of Being Judgmental

Although we should be careful how we judge, judgment is necessary for our eternal progression. I hear what people say when they call for no judgment: love the sinner, not the sin. But too often people, whether out of good intentions or bad, blur the phrase, taking it into dangerous… Continue reading