A Leg Up in Life

Injured knee

My painful leg injury left me frustrated, but I came to recognize God’s hand in lifting my burden. It started out as a normal day of work. As I was finishing cleaning up after a catering event, one moment I was pushing an ultraheavy, dish-laden cart, and the next, it… Continue reading

Trials: Mercies in Disguise

What if we stopped seeing our trials as burdens and started seeing them as blessings? How often do we go through trials and ask, “Why me?” While this is natural, it is not the way Heavenly Father wants us to react. In a devotional given at BYU-Idaho, Brother Larry Richman… Continue reading

Marking the Way Back Home

person walking on a log in the forest.

Our spiritual experiences can become the monuments we raise to mark God’s hand in our lives. If you’ve ever been on a hike, you’ve probably seen stones stacked on top of each other. These manmade trail markers, called cairns, have been used to point out a hiker’s course along the trail, ensuring that hikers know which way… Continue reading