A Leg Up in Life

Injured knee

My painful leg injury left me frustrated, but I came to recognize God’s hand in lifting my burden. It started out as a normal day of work. As I was finishing cleaning up after a catering event, one moment I was pushing an ultraheavy, dish-laden cart, and the next, it… Continue reading

Christ: Our Physician

Mortal physicians may be limited, but the healing offered by the Great Physician knows no bounds. We know that pain is a part of the mortal experience and that in every trial there are lessons we can learn and blessings that we can obtain. But what about the times when… Continue reading

Finding Joy in the Process

Fact: life can be tough. However, as we look toward Christ, we can find the joy we need to endure even the most difficult trials. We never think that we will be the ones who will have to suffer through a particular challenge or trial—until it is staring us in… Continue reading