It’s easy to feel like you’re on the outside, but there is a place for everyone in Christ’s arms.

I have never liked giving talks or saying prayers in front of a crowd. I felt like I couldn’t thank the Lord or express my thoughts as well as those around me, and hearing the words of my peers made me feel inadequate when it was my turn. I had a hard time believing that I fit in at sacrament or Church activities.
However, as Elder Randy D. Funk says in his General Conference talk, “Come into the Fold of God,” “the Good Shepherd—our true shepherd—is always good.” He continues, “Within the fold of God, we experience His watchful, nurturing care and are blessed to feel His redeeming love.” If we choose to freely enter into His fold and His gospel, we will be able to understand our place in the Church. Our personal testimonies will grow until we have no doubt that we are always welcome in His arms.
Elder Funk reminds us, “Brothers and sisters, the scriptures are filled with examples of the Savior’s majestic power and His compassionate mercy and grace.” The Savior has always reached out to those on the outskirts, or those who may not feel like they deserve to feel His love, and we are no exception.
No matter what part of our spiritual journey we are on, we can know that Christ will welcome us. Let us fully commit to the Gospel, and we will see that Christ and our Heavenly Father have been waiting with open arms.
Discover how to fully commit yourself to Christ’s church by reading Elder Randy D. Funk’s talk “Come into the Fold of God.”
—Alohilani Jacob, Latter-day Saint Insights
Find more insights
Take a look at Sam Niven’s “Creating a More Welcoming Church Community” on ways you can help others come more fully into the Gospel.
Discover more about what you may be feeling by reading “Divine Discontent: An Invitation To Improve” by Ellie Castillo.