“Jesus Wept”

Person on the end of a pier

Life can be unfair, painful, and uncertain. When we or our loved ones find ourselves in those times of grief or frustration, we can rely on the Savior and his perfect example of empathy. In his BYU devotional, “Hard Sayings and Safe Spaces: Making Room for Struggle as Well as… Continue reading

Following the Spirit to Comfort Others

Sun behind white wispy clouds drifting over a blue sky

Sometimes a little comfort is all you need to make it through a particularly bad day, week, month, or even year. The Holy Spirit is quiet, but if we let it, it can make a powerful difference in our lives. Not only does it help us to make hard decisions… Continue reading

Finding Rest in the Gospel of Jesus Christ

A tired woman throws herself facedown across a couch.

If you have felt “weary in well-doing” (Doctrine and Covenants 64:33), hear the words of the prophet and find peace in Christ. As I approach the end of my last semester in college, my most prominent feeling is usually tiredness. I’m tired in my 8 a.m. lectures, I’m tired when… Continue reading

With Open Arms

Red hearts in a row with one green heart standing out

It’s easy to feel like you’re on the outside, but there is a place for everyone in Christ’s arms. I have never liked giving talks or saying prayers in front of a crowd. I felt like I couldn’t thank the Lord or express my thoughts as well as those around… Continue reading

Break Free from Anxiety’s Isolation

When you are struggling with anxiety, it is easy to feel lonely. But you are not alone in this fight. It’s hard to fight a battle when it’s inside your head. The battle against anxiety is tough. Anxiety ruins many simple experiences in life, and the loneliness anxiety brings is… Continue reading

Help God Help You

In a time of great personal trial, I followed a prompting that allowed me to help God help me. When I was younger, I tried to find peace and happiness in every way but the right way; that is to say, God’s way. I ended up suffering from addiction, as… Continue reading

No Scars Remain

Christ wants to heal our spirits completely—all we have to do is repent.  When my six-year-old brother broke his arm, he immediately thought, I bet Dad can fix it! My dad is not a doctor, but in my brother’s mind, he can do anything. While my brother was a little… Continue reading

Hope You Know, I’m Having a Hard Time

Remembering that the atonement covers all trials can help us feel God’s love during hard times. In his October 2008 General Conference talk, “Hope Ya Know, We Had a Hard Time,” Elder Quentin L. Cook shares the following story: After he and some of his children experienced a harrowing car… Continue reading

You Are Enough

I realized that even in the darkest of times, God is always available to me. We are never too unworthy to talk to God. The Paris train station was getting more crowded by the minute as I made my way through customs. It had been a phenomenal trip, but the… Continue reading

My Dad, the Ultimate Babysitter

Little did I know that babysitting would involve doors I couldn’t open; a child I couldn’t communicate with; and my father, who could do both. A small army of children were piled haphazardly on top of each other watching a movie. I was their proud commander, keeping them confined to… Continue reading