Keepers of the Lower Lights

Lighthouse and sunset

Through our daily actions and words, we can be a light that guides people to Christ. While most people know that lighthouses direct ships safely into harbors, many people may not realize that other lights are still necessary to help ships reach the shore. If ships simply steer in the… Continue reading

Life and Improv: Building On Uncertainty

3 Silhouetted performers

By saying “yes, and…” to life’s uncertainties, we can be more prepared to creatively take the next step with Christ’s help. As a college student approaching graduation, I am asked about my postgraduation plans almost every day. I don’t always know how to answer—the next chapter of my life is… Continue reading

Embracing Our Quirks on the Path to Perfection

An aerial view of many different, multi-colored ceramic bowls

Our quirks and peculiarities are a strength as we strive to become more Christlike. I wear a dinosaur backpack around my college campus. I always arrive ridiculously early to the airport. Every year I celebrate several made-up holidays, such as the anniversary of the first time I got stitches. My… Continue reading

Counting Dandelions: Looking Inward in an Environment of Comparison

A man in a gray sweatshirt faces a forest full of green trees

Focusing on the things we can do to improve ourselves and avoiding comparison with others will allow the healing power of the gospel to help us. With the increasing popularity of social media, we are constantly barraged with other people’s lives, which fosters an environment of comparison. We may criticize… Continue reading