Inspiring Others With Your Identity

The backs of four women hugging

Having a unique identity can seem important, but what’s more important is loving those who choose different paths than we do. We live in a world with ever-increasing controversial opinions and views. Each of us may want a strong sense of individual identity, including our political perspectives, social outlooks, and… Continue reading

How to Become like the Savior While Still Being Yourself

Boxes of fruit in a market

Becoming perfected in Christ (see Moroni 10:32) is a celebration of individuality, not conformity. When reading “Come unto Christ, and be perfected in him” (Moroni 10:32), I sometimes wonder, “As I become more like the Savior, will I become less like myself?”  Julie Crockett answers this question in her BYU… Continue reading

Embracing Our Quirks on the Path to Perfection

An aerial view of many different, multi-colored ceramic bowls

Our quirks and peculiarities are a strength as we strive to become more Christlike. I wear a dinosaur backpack around my college campus. I always arrive ridiculously early to the airport. Every year I celebrate several made-up holidays, such as the anniversary of the first time I got stitches. My… Continue reading

Embracing the You That You Are

Woman smiling at the camera

God loves us perfectly, so why don’t we love ourselves? In today’s world, we can easily get bogged down by questions about our self-worth. Why are we not as pretty as our friends? Why can’t we perform as well in school as the other students? Why don’t we ever get… Continue reading

Of Infinite Worth: Discovering Our Divine Potential


As one person in a world of seven billion, it’s easy to feel small and insignificant. It’s a comfort to know that to God, we are everything. I was one of 26 people in my high school graduating class. In a class that small, you might think that everyone felt valued… Continue reading