Love Intended to Lift

God’s love is infinite, ever-present, and eternal. But in order for it to bless us, we need to meet certain conditions.  As children of Heavenly Father, we receive Heavenly Father’s love eternally and constantly. But do we receive it unconditionally? In his conference address “Abide in My Love,” Elder D.… Continue reading

Curve Ball or Careful Pruning?


At times, God may seem to throw you a curve ball that is unfair or causes hurt. Those are times of “pruning.” He is preparing you for something greater. You probably have something you are working toward right now. It might be a degree, a job, a trip, or some… Continue reading

Why Did Christ Establish a Church?

Christ ordaining and setting apart the twelve Apostles

Although there are many reasons Christ established his church on the earth, perhaps the greatest reason is to satisfy God’s desire to see us progress. In today’s world, a growing number of people seem to be moving away from organized religion in favor of finding their own path to spirituality.… Continue reading