The Journey is the Destination

We may not always be happy with our circumstances, but when we try to make the best of the situation, we will be blessed. We may think we know how our life is going to turn out. We may imagine having a big house, a well-paying job, or the perfect… Continue reading

Children and Youth Program—Not Just for Kids

Don’t let the name “Children and Youth” keep you from participating in this visionary, goal-setting program. A young mother asked if I was feeling overwhelmed with all the changes to the Church’s children and youth program. To be perfectly honest, I felt like I was off the hook because there… Continue reading

How to Prioritize Your Happiness

Put your happiness first by balancing spiritual, personal, and temporal responsibilities. Despite hectic schedules filled with work, school, church, and social responsibilities, living every day with joy in our hearts is possible. It’s a common belief that we need to be busy to be productive and valuable. But our value… Continue reading

The Only Goal That Matters

close up on foosball table.

When we become uncertain, overwhelmed, or lost in this life, we can reorient ourselves toward the goal that matters: returning to Christ. For as long as I can remember, I have had some goal that I was working toward. First it was to be more involved in my small community. Then… Continue reading

Action: A Product of Our Thoughts and Words

snowy mountain view

The way you think about yourself directly impacts your level of success. Choose to think positively, and your own ability might surprise you.  “I am so bad at math—my brain just doesn’t work that way!” “I forget things all the time!” “I’m never going to be able to manage all of… Continue reading

Living Happy, Living Now

Woman with blue shirt flapping in the wind

I was working toward worthy goals. But a gentle reminder of the blessings that I currently had showed me that I didn’t have to wait for joy. I needed to finish two papers, study for a math test, call some of the girls in my Young Women class, and figure… Continue reading

Diary of a Soon-to-Be Mother

pregnant woman with hand on stomach

With two more semesters to go before my college graduation, my husband and I discovered that I was pregnant. How could I do what the Lord wanted while fulfilling my own goals? As a young woman, I always had a fear that I wouldn’t get married or have a family. But… Continue reading

Sisters, No Effort Is Lost

Photo of young women in front of the Manila, Philippines Temple courtesy of

While we may not always feel the significance of the little things we do, God keeps a perfect record and none of our efforts are lost. Have you ever gotten stuck thinking about all the people you neglected to help or about the things you failed to get done in… Continue reading

After the Checklist: What’s Next

Life doesn’t stop when we reach some of our goals. We have to set new ones to keep progressing.   Young adulthood is full of life-changing decisions such as where to attend college, whom to marry, and what career to pursue. Once we’ve checked these items off our figurative to-do… Continue reading

Curve Ball or Careful Pruning?


At times, God may seem to throw you a curve ball that is unfair or causes hurt. Those are times of “pruning.” He is preparing you for something greater. You probably have something you are working toward right now. It might be a degree, a job, a trip, or some… Continue reading