Its Truth Made Known to Me


I sometimes forget how real the faith of the early Latter-day Saints was. But as I visited Joseph and Emma Smith’s small home at the Priesthood Restoration Site, I was reminded of their sacrifices—and my testimony was strengthened. My parents wanted to go see the Priesthood Restoration Site near the… Continue reading

Instruments of Revelation: Translating the Book of Mormon


The translation of the Book of Mormon was a miracle of modern revelation. When most of us hear the word translation, we think of bilingual dictionaries, conjugation charts, and Google Translate. If we need to verify that something is translated correctly, we might ask a native speaker or someone who… Continue reading

The Purpose of Relief Society: Moving His Work Forward

three women talking

The Relief Society, the world’s longest-running organization for women, has recently made changes to its purpose statement. One hundred seventy-five years ago, on March 17, 1842, Joseph Smith formally organized early Latter-day Saint women into an organization called Relief Society. Today, this organization is still blessing the lives of millions of people… Continue reading

Emma’s Faith: A Letter to Her Husband

handwritten documents

Despite hard trials and difficult separations from her husband, Emma Smith remained faithful to the Lord. It is well known that Emma Smith was the wife of Joseph Smith, the first president of the Relief Society, and the compiler of the first LDS hymnbook. Yet we don’t often hear her words directly. In… Continue reading

Joseph Smith: Just Another Treasure Seeker?

landscape with river

Why would Joseph Smith have hunted for Spanish treasure? What did he find as a result? Have you ever found yourself prompted to do something that you normally wouldn’t do? Perhaps you’ve accepted a job that takes you out of your comfort zone. Or maybe you’ve felt like you should… Continue reading

Joseph Smith’s Example of Accepting the Lord’s Will

Pen laying on a piece of paper with old script writing

In a letter to his wife, Emma, the Prophet Joseph Smith shows his willingness to humbly submit to the will of the Lord. In 1832, Joseph Smith and other Church leaders traveled from Ohio to Missouri and back. They were delayed in Indiana for one month on their journey home because Newel… Continue reading

Extraordinary Beginnings: The Nauvoo Relief Society Minute Book

Discover how the Relief Society was founded, how the organization’s name was decided, and how the early Church’s women became sisters. Within the large collection of documents called the Joseph Smith Papers, there is a precious treasure that is particularly significant to women of the Church: the Nauvoo Relief Society… Continue reading