The Transformative Power of Incremental Change

Person cycling on a grassy mountain road

We all face challenges that can seem overwhelming. But we can find strength to overcome our trials when we make incremental changes in our daily lives. Some problems in our lives can feel impossible to overcome. Perhaps a goal seems too challenging to accomplish or a trial too difficult to… Continue reading

Finding Faith in the Light of Christ

Jesus standing under a ray of light

When the light of your testimony starts to fade, seek the light of Christ to help you pierce through the darkness of your trials and reignite your faith. We all face fears, insecurities, and doubts that can make our lives seem suffocatingly dark. These challenges can make it difficult to… Continue reading

Rejoice in the Gathering of Israel

Young woman studying scriptures

Fear and insecurities can keep us from gathering Israel, but the Lord will guide and bless us if we put our faith in him. As young adults graduating high school and moving into the next stage of our lives, we are faced with many life-changing experiences. Among other things, we… Continue reading