Choosing to Trust God Unconditionally

Ocean waves and a zipline over a beach.

When we learn to trust God completely, we can move forward with faith, knowing that he will support and guide us through life’s most challenging moments.  The higher I climbed, the more I questioned my sanity. It was the end of summer break, and I had decided to go zip-lining… Continue reading

Rejoice in the Gathering of Israel

Young woman studying scriptures

Fear and insecurities can keep us from gathering Israel, but the Lord will guide and bless us if we put our faith in him. As young adults graduating high school and moving into the next stage of our lives, we are faced with many life-changing experiences. Among other things, we… Continue reading

Failure—It’s All Part of the Plan

A woman writing on a chalkboard.

When failure becomes motivation, we can learn and grow from any outcome. While pursuing his undergraduate degree at BYU, Matthew O. Richardson failed a chemistry test.  He hurried out of the classroom after stuffing the test with the red “76” scrawled at the top into his backpack. In disbelief, he… Continue reading

How Christ Can Be Your Eternal Life Coach

Woman in Gray Crew Neck Shirt Running on Brown Soil during Daytime

In the game of life, you don’t always get to play the position you want. Remember that Christ—your eternal life coach—always has the best play in mind. One day during a high school track practice, one of my teammates asked me how I could believe in Christ when there are… Continue reading

Work for Peace; Triumph through Trust

As we build bridges of trust, we direct our thinking toward the importance of peace, the central feature of what disciples may hope to achieve.  Discipleship grows when we place peace at the center of our decisions. As we work for peace, the key to triumph is trust. We can come… Continue reading

4 Ways to Increase Your Spiritual Capacity for Revelation

How can we improve our ability to receive personal revelation? Here are four ways to increase your spiritual capacity. In April of 2018, President Russell M. Nelson challenged us to “increase [our] spiritual capacity.” But how can we become the kinds of spiritual giants that we see in the leaders… Continue reading

Trust, Happiness, and the Gospel of Jesus Christ

While it sometimes feels like adversity and sorrow are dragging us down, those challenges are actually making a place for greater happiness. We are commanded to trust God and have faith in his plan for us. Often, however, that is much easier said than done. We may face challenges and… Continue reading

How to See the Love in God’s Laws

God has given us some pretty tough laws to follow because he loves us and knows what will ultimately be best for us. Life is hard. Sometimes it can feel like God is opposed to the desires of our hearts, and sometimes keeping his commandments can be downright painful. We… Continue reading

Gracefully Accepting God’s Will

We may not understand why certain things happen, but we can be certain that trusting God’s plan leads to eternal happiness. When President Dieter F. Uchtdorf gave the talk “Fourth Floor, Last Door,” I felt humbled and realized his words had completely changed the way I think about my faith… Continue reading

3 Ways to Everyday Happiness

When life doesn’t go down the planned path, don’t worry—there is an easy formula to make every step you take a happy one. School, work, family, friends—all day every day, something needs our attention. In his talk, “A Summer with Great Aunt Rose,” President Dieter F. Uchtdorf gives us a… Continue reading