Is He Really My Savior?

Time lapse photography of person standing near train

I’ve grown up believing that Christ is my Redeemer, but sometimes it’s hard to believe that he can actually save me. In psychology, a flashbulb memory refers to a vivid memory of a past moment, usually a shocking or emotionally charged event. I have a flashbulb memory from when I… Continue reading

Rejoice in the Gathering of Israel

Young woman studying scriptures

Fear and insecurities can keep us from gathering Israel, but the Lord will guide and bless us if we put our faith in him. As young adults graduating high school and moving into the next stage of our lives, we are faced with many life-changing experiences. Among other things, we… Continue reading

How to See God’s Unseen Hand

Hands Reaching

After experiencing more than a year of COVID-19 and the trials that come with it, we may feel lost or abandoned by God. But if we look to Christ, we can see God’s hand in our lives. The past year of COVID-19 was hard. Many people were forced to close… Continue reading

How Can Your Gospel Questions Make You Stronger?

A man, whose upper body is hidden from view, squats down to hold and lift a barbell.

Just like the soreness of muscles after a hard workout, the pain of the questions we ask is a sign of growth, not of weakness.  During my first year of classes at Brigham Young University (BYU), I was confronted with complexities in the Church’s history and doctrine that I had… Continue reading

Death, Patriarchy, and the Struggle of Discipleship

Tunnel over railroad tracks in the fall.

The answer is not to give up when tough questions arise—but to understand that the struggle is part of something greater.  From one overthinker to another, I’m going to be real with you: this time, you’re not overthinking it. Being a member of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints… Continue reading

Intellectual Integrity

To truly be intellectually honest, we need to consider the evidence in favor of God’s existence. It’s pretty difficult to make it through life without your faith being challenged at some point; sometimes it happens sooner, sometimes later, but it almost always happens. What we choose to do in those… Continue reading

Teach Me All That I Must Know…or Do?

While knowledge is important, it is not enough; we must act on what we know in order to return to live with our Father in Heaven. Do you know the story of the children’s hymn “I am a Child of God”? Sister Naomi Randall wrote the hymn in 1957. The… Continue reading

You Are Allowed to Believe in the Magnificent

There are miracles all around us that we take for granted. Recognizing the incredible in the everyday can help us believe in the magnificent aspects and promises of the Gospel of Jesus Christ. We live in an era that is dominated by secular thought, and sometimes it’s hard not to… Continue reading

Prayer: Can You Hear Him Now?

When we feel like we hear nothing from God, the best thing to do is keep the faith and keep watching for personalized answers. Each Sunday, we listen to other people’s testimonies: “I prayed, and I immediately received an answer from God.” “I prayed, and I felt his guidance; I… Continue reading

Our Heavenly Mother: Silence or Reverence?

Keeping silent about Heavenly Mother often leads to incorrect assumptions, proving more problematic than protective.  We’ve all heard explanations about why we don’t discuss Heavenly Mother. Some say that we don’t talk about her for fear of sullying her name, like the world has done to Heavenly Father and Jesus Christ.… Continue reading