Healing Mentally with God in Mind

Photo by Sayles Brett

When we struggle with mental health, God is an option.

One day a friend of mine visited me. He told me that God knew what I was going through, that God could help me, and that God loved me. This message reminded me that there was hope for me, not despair. I had an opportunity to heal.

Elder Dale G. Renlund of the Quorum of the Twelve Apostles wrote a Liahona article titled “Trust God and Let Him Prevail in which he reminds us that God has the power to help us. Elder Renlund explains, “Jesus Christ loves to restore what we cannot restore, heal wounds we cannot heal, fix what is irreparably broken, and compensate for any unfairness we have endured. In fact, if we let Him, He will consecrate our suffering for our gain and sanctify to us our deepest distress. He will not just console us and restore what was lost (see Job 42:10, 12–13), but He will use our trials for our benefit.” Thanks to the trials of my first year at BYU, I learned more about myself and the power of God. God is willing and he has the power to help us.

God knows what it is that ails us; he understands that which others might fail to see. There is always hope for us, so we must never forget that God is there. We can turn to him for help. We can heal.

Read Elder Dale G. Renlund’s article “Trust God and Let Him Prevail” to learn more about trusting God.

Source: Liahona

—Taylor Lash, Latter-day Saint Insights


Find more insights

Read Cecilia Oaks’s Latter-day Saint Insights article “Finding Comfort in Times of Sorrow” for more comforting words in relation to sadness.

Also check out Victoria Passey’s Liahona article “15 Promises of Peace from Ancient and Living Prophets” to learn about ways to find peace.

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