How Doses of Kindness Can Heal a Wounded World

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With so much hate spreading in the world, it’s not enough for us to avoid unkindness like the plague—we need to cure it.  Today, we can find hate almost everywhere we look. In the talk “The Need for Greater Kindness,” President Gordon B. Hinckley states that unkindness is infecting even… Continue reading

A Humble Roadmap to Reach Perfection

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While achieving perfection may seem like an impossible feat, the perfect first step is asking our Heavenly Father, “What lack I yet?” Becoming perfect can seem daunting, but perfection is ultimately required by our Heavenly Father if we want to return to live with him. So how do we accomplish… Continue reading

How You Can Experience a Miracle Daily

Trials often arise, even after great faith. We may wonder, Where is my miracle? We can recognize miracles daily when we understand the true definition of the word. In the scriptures, we read of miraculous births, healing, and protection experienced by obedient and faithful followers of Christ. Because of these… Continue reading