What Is True?

Man grabbing head in frustration

When you are flooded with conflicting messages and instructions, faith it ‘til you make it. Discerning truth can be difficult. Years ago, Elder Bruce R. McConkie shared some valuable insights that are just as relevant today as they were then. In his Brigham Young University devotional discourse “The Seven Deadly… Continue reading

Tackle the Book of Isaiah with These Strategies

Bible with pink tulips

At the Lord Jesus Christ’s recommendation, learn to understand the lessons, prophesies, and beauty of Isaiah’s writings by using these strategies. In the Ensign article “Ten Keys to Understanding Isaiah,” Elder Bruce R. McConkie explains that Isaiah was “known [for] the abundance, beauty, and perfection of his prophetic utterances.” Yet… Continue reading

The Parable: Simply Complex

woman looking through binoculars

While parables can simplify confusing doctrine, the parables themselves have complex layers that require the reader’s full attention in order to grasp the full doctrine. Jesus’s parables are practically magic; through them, we can see ourselves in almost every character, apply them to current situations, and understand complex doctrine. The Savior’s parables are an almost… Continue reading

Changing Times, Constant Truths

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We live in an ever-changing world, but gospel truths remain constant and help build our faith in God.  The world is filled with doubts and misconceptions, especially when it comes to religion. In his 1980 Brigham Young University devotional address, “The Seven Deadly Heresies,” Elder Bruce R. McConkie reminds us of the importance of seeking a correct understanding of gospel… Continue reading

The Three Pillars of Eternity: Creation, Fall, and Atonement

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By learning about these three great events of the plan of salvation, we can better understand God’s eternal plan for us. In a 1981 Brigham Young University devotional, Elder Bruce R. McConkie (1915–85), then serving as a member of the Quorum of the Twelve Apostles, teaches about the “three pillars of… Continue reading