Our Words May Minister Grace

One young woman whispers to another.

Our language can either lift others or tear them down. As Christ’s disciples, we can use good language and humor to uplift others and bring light to their lives. Everybody loves people who have good humor and wit. On the other hand, it is harder to communicate with people who… Continue reading

Three Ways to Strengthen Your Family

Having strong family relationships can help you weather the challenges of life. This year marks 20 years since President Gordon B. Hinckley presented “The Family: A Proclamation to the World.” The doctrines outlined in this document regarding marriage and family are designed to build and maintain family strength, especially in… Continue reading

Why Does God Talk to Us?

girl on phone

Elder Oaks explains that whether it’s to comfort, uplift, restrain, or inform, God communicates with his children through revelation. You’ve decided to take a job offer, but before your first day you suddenly feel terrible about your decision. Why do you feel this way? God might not text or call… Continue reading