Family History: How Do We Even Start?

Young adult woman holding temple cards

We know we need to do family history, but the mere thought can be overwhelming. What should we do? Why should we care about people who exist as little more than names on a piece of paper? Recently, President Russell M. Nelson has emphasized the importance of gathering Israel and… Continue reading

Where Is My Happily Ever After?

A woman holding an apple

It may be hard to believe that our imperfect families can be happy together forever, but if we are able to forgive, we will see blessings. Families can be hard to live with. Whether it’s trying to understand someone we don’t get along with or talking to family members who… Continue reading

6 Questions to Evaluate Your Faith

Silhouette of a man praying in foggy field

Have you ever wondered if your faith is enough? Strengthen your faith with Elder Kacher’s advice before trials come! In today’s world, having faith in God and His Son Jesus Christ can be hard. Naysayers plant seeds of confusion and doubt in the hearts of the Saints. Under such attacks,… Continue reading

Career or Motherhood: You Can Do Both

Woman being embraced by her children while sitting in front of her laptop.

Women frequently think they have to choose either a career or motherhood, but they can enjoy both with support from those around them. The world often insists that women need to raise their children from home, but the world also claims that women fall short of their full potential if… Continue reading

Creating Faithful Families in a Fear-Filled World

The sky and light visible through tree branches.

The world seems to be spiraling ever downward, but we can have faith that the Lord understands our circumstances and that our families will be protected from the evil around us. Have you ever wondered how your personal family situation fits into God’s plan? It might sometimes feel like Church… Continue reading

How You Belong in the Family Proclamation

A woman and two boys play with a dog

Even if you feel like your family is broken or simply does not reflect the structure of other families in the Church, you still have a place within the family proclamation. If you feel like your family is broken or incomplete, it can be difficult to understand how the principles… Continue reading

Stop the Judgment: How to Help Couples without Children Feel They Belong

Couple in front of a lake

Couples without children may feel out of place in church and family circles. We can help them by showing greater sensitivity in our words and actions. During the past year, my husband and I wanted to have kids, but for a while, we were unable to realize our dream. This… Continue reading

How Doses of Kindness Can Heal a Wounded World

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With so much hate spreading in the world, it’s not enough for us to avoid unkindness like the plague—we need to cure it.  Today, we can find hate almost everywhere we look. In the talk “The Need for Greater Kindness,” President Gordon B. Hinckley states that unkindness is infecting even… Continue reading

4 Ways To Turn Our Homes into Holy Places

A doormat that says HOME.

When we implement four simple practices, our homes can become holy places that invite the Spirit. With a pandemic keeping people inside, many of us have had no choice but to work and attend school from home. We’ve even had to watch Church meetings from home. When we aren’t attending… Continue reading

Divinely Connected Families in a Socially Distanced World

Happy family laying in the grass posing for a family picture

The social distancing brought on by COVID-19 has made many of us feel lonely and isolated. But God’s plan—focused on families—is designed so that we don’t ever have to be alone. I remember the day that COVID-19 started affecting my life. I was sitting on my couch, and my husband… Continue reading