A Leg Up in Life

Injured knee

My painful leg injury left me frustrated, but I came to recognize God’s hand in lifting my burden. It started out as a normal day of work. As I was finishing cleaning up after a catering event, one moment I was pushing an ultraheavy, dish-laden cart, and the next, it… Continue reading

Counsel or Command? Listening to Church Leaders’ Advice

I struggled to understand how someone called of God could say something that hurt me as much as it did. I’ll be honest. I used to really distrust Church leaders. I had been hurt, and I didn’t want reconciliation. When I was dating the guy I later married, I went… Continue reading

Enjoy the Ride


Life isn’t all sunshine and bliss. Whatever life throws at us, the trick is to enjoy the ride.    In a world where advertisements and Instagram posts promote the idea that everyone around us is happy and we can be happy too if we just apply ourselves or buy a certain product,… Continue reading