When Evil Increases, So Does God’s Help

pink and purple sunset

The more darkness grows, the more God will help us if we rely on him.  It’s not easy to be a person of faith in our day, let alone to be a faithful Latter-day Saint. With the moral decline of society and the growing opposition against religion, it is easy… Continue reading

Marriage: Then and Now

shot of bride and groom feet

By using “The Family: A Proclamation to the World” as our standard, we can see how far off-center the world’s idea of marriage has become, how it got there, and how we need to define marriage today.  A judicial system has to balance social and individual interests—the good of the… Continue reading

What the Temple Can Teach Us about Marriage

In the current turbulent discussions surrounding marriage, it can be pretty hard to know what that relationship should really look like. Fortunately, we can look to the temple.  With so many models of marriage being proposed today, it can be hard for any of us to understand what an ideal… Continue reading

Failure Is Part of Success

Girl doing tree pose on rock outcropping.

The things I thought were failures in my life were actually my best opportunities to grow—and God didn’t love me any less for them.    We all have those moments when something we have heard our entire lives finally clicks, really sinking into our minds and hearts. I had that… Continue reading

How Can I Feel the Spirit More?

young man with an elderly woman

Do you want to feel the Spirit more fully? It’s possible, and the answer is pretty simple. One of the largest problems returned missionaries face is finding a way to feel the Spirit as strongly as they did on their missions. One young man asked Elder Don R. Clarke, a… Continue reading