We Are More Than Survivors

White flowers on a green stem.

When bad things happen to us, such as abuse, bullying, or trauma, we must remember what Christ said: “I know your sorrows, and I have come to deliver you” (Exodus 3:8–9). Survival stories come in many different forms. Some may think of natural disasters, wilderness survival, or plane crashes, while… Continue reading

The Transforming Power of Service

A group of people.

When we lose ourselves in the service of others, we can overcome personal anxieties and insecurities. At times we all experience loneliness, anxiety, or despair. How do we overcome these feelings? In his article “A Holier Pattern of Service,” Elder Patrick Kearon related a memorable experience from his youth that… Continue reading

I Was a Stranger: The Call for Relief

Jesus holds a little boy in his lap.

“Reaching out to others with love matters to the Lord.” This is why Latter-day Saint women announced a new refugee relief effort called “I Was a Stranger.”  “Have I done any good in the world today?” Thus began the General Women’s Session of the April 2016 general conference of The… Continue reading