Let Not Your Heart Be Troubled

Pink flowers & grass

Life can sometimes seem overwhelming, and often God asks us to do hard things. So what can we do to find peace? As Christ’s mortal ministry was coming to an end, he promised peace to his disciples. But his peace was different than the peace the world could give. He… Continue reading

4 Life-Changing Lessons about Love

Cherry blossoms in the shape of a heart

It’s easy to get discouraged about our weaknesses and shortcomings. But God doesn’t beat us down; he lovingly invites us to improve. Our weaknesses sometimes seem  insurmountable. But when we learn to discern God’s love for us, we’ll realize that his grace is sufficient to make weak things strong (see… Continue reading

It’s Not about You; It’s about Me: Who You’re Really Competing Against

Three different citrus fruits

How can I have confidence before God when others seem to be doing so much better than I am? As mortals with plenty of weaknesses, we have a tendency to compare ourselves to others. We compare our looks, our social life, our number of followers on social media. We sometimes… Continue reading