Adoption and Family History: Questions and Answers

Pictures and books with flowers.

How can adopted members of the Church pursue family history and temple work? Members of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints have the opportunity to perform vicarious ordinances in the temple for their ancestors. While temple work can be a great blessing to members who were adopted into… Continue reading

Choosing Faith

A woman sitting on a bed, stressed.

Choosing faith can be difficult, especially in the face of personal doubts and frustrations, but choosing to keep trying will bring us closer to our Savior. Asking questions is good. Asking questions can help strengthen our faith. But there are a lot of thorny questions about Church doctrine, history, or… Continue reading

Accessing the Power of the Prince of Peace

Sunset and mountainscape

Even when our world is engulfed in turmoil, we can find personal peace through the Prince of Peace. About a year and a half ago, my family uprooted our entire lives and moved into a new home with my very ill grandparents. On top of the emotional stress of leaving… Continue reading

Life and Improv: Building On Uncertainty

3 Silhouetted performers

By saying “yes, and…” to life’s uncertainties, we can be more prepared to creatively take the next step with Christ’s help. As a college student approaching graduation, I am asked about my postgraduation plans almost every day. I don’t always know how to answer—the next chapter of my life is… Continue reading

Creating a Community of Covenant-Keeping People

Temple building

By keeping our covenants with God, we open the doors to a shared community of belonging with God and with each other. In an increasingly individualized society, it may be difficult to see how any of us can truly connect with and understand one another. However, we can create a… Continue reading

Studying the Scientific Details of Creation

Selective Focus Photography of Green Fern Plant

Both scientific and religious viewpoints of creation can contribute to a meaningful understanding of the world around us. The debate between creationism and evolution is a rhetorical minefield, and adherents on either side would have us believe that reconciliation is impossible. Yet Dr. Daniel J. Fairbanks has a foot in… Continue reading

Love is Our Response

Three people in suits arguing.

Active love and acceptance transcend mortal politics—but how can we live it? To say that the last year has been a charged one would be an understatement. Division has been at an all-time high, with issues like racial injustice, mask mandates, and even expansionist dogma on the world stage. It… Continue reading

Fruits of the Fast

People sitting arund a dinner table

When we follow the commandment to fast, we harvest far more than we sow. The law of the fast includes forgoing two meals in a 24-hour period, attending fast and testimony meeting, and contributing a generous fast offering. Though obedience to this commandment can be difficult, the rewards of fasting… Continue reading

The Keystone of Our Religion, The Keystone of Our Faith

Open scriptures

The Book of Mormon is a compelling witness of the truthfulness of the Gospel of Jesus Christ.  The Book of Mormon is often referred to as the keystone of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. Why? In his talk “God’s Compelling Witness: The Book of Mormon,” Elder Tad… Continue reading