Ocean waves and a zipline over a beach.

Choosing to Trust God Unconditionally

When we learn to trust God completely, we can move forward with faith, knowing that he will support and guide us through life’s most challenging moments. 

The higher I climbed, the more I questioned my sanity. It was the end of summer break, and I had decided to go zip-lining before fall semester started again. As I looked over the platform’s edge at the ground far below me, my knees started wobbling, and I was sure that I was making a terrible mistake. 

"Faith is the source of living with divine purpose and eternal perspective." By Ullisses Soares

Taking the first step off the platform took a lot of trust—trust in the line, trust in my gear, and trust in my instructor. In life, we may feel that there aren’t many things that we can trust completely. However, Elder Ulisses Soares teaches in his talk “Confide in God Unwaveringly” that we can always have complete confidence and trust in our Heavenly Father and Jesus Christ. Elder Soares explains that as we put our faith in Christ, our Savior will help us find peace through our trials and he will provide for our needs—especially when it feels like we’re leaping into the unknown.

Sometimes, it can be hard to trust God when our prayers seem unanswered; however, he never abandons us. In times of uncertainty, we can put our faith in Jesus Christ, and he will repeatedly prove that he is dependable and aware of us. Demonstrating our faith can look as simple as continuing to offer heartfelt prayers or engaging daily with the scriptures and the words of the prophets. Faith in Christ also inspires trust in Heavenly Father’s plan for us. According to Elder Soares, “Faith is the source of living with divine purpose and eternal perspective.”

As we develop faith in Christ, we are able to move forward with purpose despite our circumstances, rather than standing paralyzed from fear of the future. 

Read more about why we can trust Christ unconditionally in Elder Ulisses Soares’s article “Confide in God Unwaveringly.”

Source: General Conference

—Megan Hutchings, Latter-day Saint Insights


Find more insights 

Learn about how trusting in the Lord can help you with mental health trials in Camilla Stimpson’s Latter-day Saint Insights article “Trusting in the Lord Through Anxiety and Depression.”

Read Kenzie Holbrook’s Latter-day Saint Insights article “Do You Have Faith in God’s Plan Even if It’s Not Yours?” for insight on how to trust in God’s plan for you. 

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