Man sitting with hands clasped to cover his face

Humility Will Take Us Home

We are taught to “be ye therefore perfect” (Matthew 5:48), but is this actually attainable? With the help of Christ, it is—in time.

We’ve all experienced feelings of pressure or stress. Sometimes I feel overwhelmed with simple everyday tasks, school, work, or the expectations of family and friends. My to-do lists often leave me feeling like giving up before I’ve even started. 

It’s easy to give up and let feelings of inadequacy take over. But we need to remind ourselves that our purpose on Earth is to grow and learn from our weaknesses.

"If we are humble and teachable, He will take us by the hand and lead us home."


In Elder Larry R. Lawrence’s talk “What Lack I Yet?,” he teaches us to humble ourselves and to use the guidance of the Holy Ghost to find both peace in our imperfections and the strength to become more like Christ. Instead of dwelling on our failures and shortcomings (such as getting a bad grade, missing the gym, or forgetting to clean), we must humbly ask the Lord, “How can I improve?” and then use faith to follow through with his directions. 

I love pondering  the scripture, “Behold, I will show unto the Gentiles their weakness, and I will show unto them that faith, hope and charity bringeth unto me—the fountain of all righteousness” (Ether 12:28). This guidance has helped me realize that using Christ’s Atonement to accept my flaws enables me to focus on the bigger changes I need to make, not only to eventually become perfect and dwell in heaven with Christ again, but also to be happy right now with my small victories and improvements.    

As Elder Lawrence says, “If we are humble and teachable, He will take us by the hand and lead us home.”

Read Elder Larry R. Lawrence’s full article “What Lack I Yet?” to learn more about using the Holy Ghost and humility to reach our potential. 

Source: General Conference

Taryn Hervey, Latter-day Saint Insights


Find more insights

Take a look at Elder Kevin S. Hamilton’s article “Then Will I Make Weak Things Become Strong” to learn about having faith in Christ to change for the better. 

Read Elder Steven E. Snow’s article “Be Thou Humble” to discover how God answers our prayers when we are humble. 

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