Protecting God’s Creations

River in the rainforest

As we appreciate the incredible beauty of God’s creations, we remember that we can play a part in preserving them for future generations. In his BYU forum, “Exploring Nature’s Curiosity Cabinet,” Dr. Paul Alan Cox reflects on the wonders of nature’s curiosity cabinet, which he describes as “compact versions of… Continue reading

Stewardship: It’s Time to Step It Up

We often talk about stewardship in our callings. What about stewardship in our other divine responsibilities? I absolutely love the ocean. The sound of the waves, the sun on my shoulders, and snorkeling…wow. Every time I go, I swear nobody can get me out of the water. The ocean, and… Continue reading

Maximizing Your Joy through Minimalism

A desk on a white wall.

By getting rid of the material things we don’t need, we can practice minimalism and free up space in our homes, our minds, and our hearts.   I have a vice: shopping. Whether buying gifts for others or buying gifts for myself, I just can’t seem to stop. I wouldn’t call… Continue reading

Environmental Stewardship

blue skies on blue water

As children of God, we have a divine calling to care for the earth, use its resources wisely, and preserve it for future generations. The budding of a flower, the pounding of a waterfall, the shining of the stars—each scene and element contributes to the masterpiece of the earth. God… Continue reading