Finding Rest in the Gospel of Jesus Christ

A tired woman throws herself facedown across a couch.

If you have felt “weary in well-doing” (Doctrine and Covenants 64:33), hear the words of the prophet and find peace in Christ. As I approach the end of my last semester in college, my most prominent feeling is usually tiredness. I’m tired in my 8 a.m. lectures, I’m tired when… Continue reading

Stewardship: It’s Time to Step It Up

We often talk about stewardship in our callings. What about stewardship in our other divine responsibilities? I absolutely love the ocean. The sound of the waves, the sun on my shoulders, and snorkeling…wow. Every time I go, I swear nobody can get me out of the water. The ocean, and… Continue reading

Six Simple Steps to Develop Divine Confidence

Stained glass window

Developing confidence can be difficult. Start today with these small and simple steps. Sometimes I struggle with knowing where I stand. I tend to become anxious when I think too much about what my purpose is in my friend group, among my roommates, or with my coworkers. Even though I… Continue reading

Reaching in the Savior’s Way

Blue, white and yellow abstract painting

When we practice empathy, we actually practice loving in a divine way. In a world enamored with contention and discord, it can be difficult to feel God’s inclusive love for all of His children. Between cancel culture, competing media, and increasingly polarized views, we can find ourselves “othering,” or alienating,… Continue reading