Stewardship: It’s Time to Step It Up

We often talk about stewardship in our callings. What about stewardship in our other divine responsibilities? I absolutely love the ocean. The sound of the waves, the sun on my shoulders, and snorkeling…wow. Every time I go, I swear nobody can get me out of the water. The ocean, and… Continue reading

Learning What Inner Beauty Looks Like

A woman stands in front of the sunset while looking up to the sky

I believed beauty was only determined by what is on the outside, but I have learned that it is our inner goodness that makes us beautiful. “Suck in your stomach.” “Straighten your hair.” “Those clothes don’t look good on you.” Hearing these comments from those around me was normal. Physical… Continue reading

“That Part’s My Favorite!”

Christ said, “Blessed are the eyes which see the things that ye see.” But are we really seeing the wonders of the gospel, or just looking past them? Alsivan was ecstatic when he learned that he could live with his son forever. He is a single father I met on… Continue reading

4 Guiding Principles of Church Finances

Volunteers working in a food cannery

The Lord manages his Church through the same principles we should follow in our own lives. Have you ever wondered how tithing is used? And what about the Church’s commercial ventures and massive humanitarian program? The Church’s finances is a topic many people are curious about. Undergirding it all are… Continue reading