The Enemy of Your Soul

man staring out the window

The natural man is an enemy to God, but society would tell us otherwise. Only through Jesus Christ can we control the part of ourselves that separates us from God. Society teaches us to indulge and enjoy, to live out the mantra “YOLO” (you only live once). We are encouraged… Continue reading

Three Ways to Strengthen Your Family

Having strong family relationships can help you weather the challenges of life. This year marks 20 years since President Gordon B. Hinckley presented “The Family: A Proclamation to the World.” The doctrines outlined in this document regarding marriage and family are designed to build and maintain family strength, especially in… Continue reading

Changing for the Better

Picture of a small branch and leaf

Changes range from fun and exciting to devastating and frightening. Here’s how to prepare for whatever comes your way. An unexpected plot twist makes a novel engaging, but an unexpected life twist usually causes a headache. We can’t control all of the changes that come our way, but we can… Continue reading