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What Does God Feel for Millennials?

It’s not easy to live with millennial stereotypes, but knowing who you really are and what God thinks of you can make all the difference.

Chalkboard with the words: Four recommendations to become true millennials: 1. Learn who you are, 2. Prepare to accomplish the impossible, 3. Learn how to access heaven, 4. Follow the prophet --Russell M. Nelson

image by pixabay user geralt

If you are reaching adulthood in the new millennium, society considers you a “millennial.” Modern statistics and surveys provide superficial perspectives on millennials, but in “Becoming True Millennials,” President Russell M. Nelson points out four important guidelines for millennials.

  1. Learn who you really are.

“True millennials” are people Heavenly Father has sent to earth to help prepare for the Second Coming of Jesus Christ. They are elect sons and daughters of God, created in his image, who were prepared in the premortal life for this time. President Nelson invites us to ask “Heavenly Father, in the name of Jesus Christ, how He feels about [us] and [our] mission here on earth.”

  1. Expect to do the impossible.

President Nelson counsels, “God has always asked his covenant children to do difficult things.” As we strengthen our faith in Jesus Christ and keep our covenants, we will have the strength and wisdom to do the impossible.

  1. Access heaven through study.

President Nelson states that much of his life “has been spent in research. You too will learn best by asking inspired questions.” We need to spend time in holy places, pray for answers, and serve with love. President Nelson promises that as we work to do these things, we can know the will of God for our own lives.

  1. Follow the prophet.

Some counsel from the prophets may seem unpopular, or it might tell us to do something we don’t want to do. President Nelson reminds us that as we exercise faith and follow the prophets, we will be able to avoid dangers and seize grand possibilities. We will become the “true millennials” we are meant to be.

Read or watch President Russell M. Nelson’s “Becoming True Millennials.”


—Rachel Harris, Mormon Insights

feature image by pixabay user hurk

Find more insights

Read “Making Your Adult Years Productive” by Garth A. Hanson for some great tips on time management.

Watch or read “A Chosen Generation” by President Gordon B. Hinckley to learn more about who you really are.

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  1. I love this post. The 4 steps are simple and so applIcable to millennials now. Its easy To forget our Divine potential and infinite worTh in a world that constantly compares us to everyone Else (via social media, etc.) so remembering these steps will keep us grounded And able to do the lord’s will for us.

  2. I love this! iT IS HARD TO BE PROUD OF BEING A MILLENNIAL WHEN EVeryone tears us down. It is important to remember that we are loved and that we can change how people see our generation. This is advice is key to surviving and thriving in the church.

  3. I sometimes am intimidated by the second point President Nelson Makes (Be prepared to do the impossible), but when you are doing the other three points (learning who you are, following the prophet, and accessing Heaven by study), we can do the impossible

  4. I’ve been in a class on the topic of climate change, and it’s been actually pretty discouraging sometimes (I’ve lost count of the times the professor gave pep talks to encourage and uplift us haha). It’s a global problem. There’s so much political mud that distracts us in America from actually addressing it. We’ve already collectively done so much damage. It truly feels like an impossible task for our generation to address. I’m grateful for Elder Nelson’s bold reminder that we can do the impossible! With the Lord’s help, we can make a difference.

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