4 Ways To Spot and Help Those in Abusive Relationships

Black and white image of woman lying on the ground in the shadows

We all have different opinions about our friends’ significant others. Understanding the warning signs can help us identify if a loved one is in an abusive relationship and know how we can best support them. I met Annie (name changed) in tenth grade, our first year of high school. We… Continue reading

Navigating Nuance: The Value of Inquiry

folded hands over an open Bible

Deep and serious reflection about religious concerns can feel both daunting and unavoidable;  however, embracing this complexity may be the key to finding peace with your spiritual identity. Navigating young adulthood is a continual process of inquiry and change as individuals encounter major transitions such as graduating, entering the workforce,… Continue reading

Our Intuition Is a Gift: Judge Righteously

a gavel on a white marble background

Spiritual promptings and our own intuition are gifts from God to keep us safe. Let us trust ourselves while still respecting others as children of God. Recently, I took my car to the dealership for a routine service appointment when an older man approached me and struck up conversation. As… Continue reading

Inclusive Language: The Key to Promoting Belonging at Church

Promoting belonging at church requires examining why certain people feel isolated and implementing more inclusive language. Differences in ethnicity, heritage, profession, age, and many other characteristics are what make each community member unique, and this diversity has tremendous potential to cultivate meaningful connections between church members specifically. However, these differences… Continue reading