4 Ways To Spot and Help Those in Abusive Relationships

Black and white image of woman lying on the ground in the shadows

We all have different opinions about our friends’ significant others. Understanding the warning signs can help us identify if a loved one is in an abusive relationship and know how we can best support them. I met Annie (name changed) in tenth grade, our first year of high school. We… Continue reading

Heavenly Support in Our Hardships

Ukrainian flag in front of dark forest and blue sky

Even when the world around us is falling apart, God is always by our side. The first temple in the former Soviet Union was announced only eight years after Ukraine opened to Latter-day Saint missionaries. It would take another decade to build, but the Ukrainian Saints were faithful and patient.… Continue reading

The Weekly Call: How Do I Support My Missionary?

With more opportunities to communicate with missionaries serving from our families, what can we do to better support and encourage them? In an exciting recent announcement, the First Presidency stated, “Effective immediately, missionaries may communicate with their families on their weekly preparation day via text messages, online messaging, phone calls… Continue reading

The Whys of Suffering

Why does an all-powerful God allow his children to suffer? If we are God’s children and he is a loving and perfect God, why does he allow suffering? This question has perplexed and troubled many people for years, and it’s truly difficult to come to terms with the immense suffering… Continue reading

Kindness Is a Virtue

Developing the virtue of kindness can help us in our efforts to build the kingdom of God. In “The Virtue of Kindness,” Elder Joseph B. Wirthlin highlights the importance of kindness with two powerful sentences: “The Church is not a place where perfect people gather to say perfect things, or have… Continue reading