Applying the Savior’s Atonement to My Own Life

Hand in the dark.

I realized that I had been so focused on working to take the gospel to other people that I had forgotten to let the gospel work in me. Early in my mission to Tennessee, my companion shared with me part of Sister Linda K. Burton’s address from the October 2012 General… Continue reading

Learning to Let It Go

Vulnerability does not mean weakness. Being open and honest may be the cure to the disease of perfectionism. Have you struggled with comparison, perfectionism, or the need to keep up a façade of someone who seems to have it all together? Brené Brown, a researcher whose work is highlighted in… Continue reading

How Burdens Can Become Blessings

Through faith and patience, we can learn how the burdens of today can become the blessings of tomorrow. Experiencing an overload? Obligations, illnesses, decisions—each of us carries a load. Sometimes our loads seemingly become too heavy to bear. But Elder L. Whitney Clayton shows us that our burdens don’t have to… Continue reading

The Atonement: The End to Addiction

Jesus praying for our sins

Are you struggling with recurring sins? Don’t give up—give your all to Christ. Through the Atonement, he can help you overcome addiction. Have you ever heard the phrase misery loves company? Satan wants to see us indulge in sin and addiction so that we will feel miserable, frustrated, and hopeless… Continue reading

Is What You’re Feeling Guilt or Shame?

We expect to feel guilt when we sin, since we know that godly sorrow is essential to true repentance. But is it possible that we mistake shame for guilt? Guilt is a universal emotion. But for religious people, feelings of guilt can escalate because we believe that we have not… Continue reading

How Are Mormons “Saved”?

Many other Christian denominations talk about being saved. Do Mormons believe in being saved? What is the Mormon definition of “saved”? Some Mormons may be confused when friends ask them, “Have you been saved?” We are Christians. We believe in a Savior. But what does it mean to be saved? Jesus… Continue reading

The Enemy of Your Soul

man staring out the window

The natural man is an enemy to God, but society would tell us otherwise. Only through Jesus Christ can we control the part of ourselves that separates us from God. Society teaches us to indulge and enjoy, to live out the mantra “YOLO” (you only live once). We are encouraged… Continue reading

Help and Healing: The Addiction Recovery Program


Are you struggling with an addiction? Is someone you love? The Church offers free audio recordings of Addiction Recovery meetings to help you find hope and healing. Addiction takes many forms. You can become addicted to alcohol, cigarettes, drugs, gambling, sex, Internet surfing, shopping, video gaming, work, plastic surgery, food… Continue reading

Let Christ’s Grace Give You Strength

piano keys

Through the grace of Jesus Christ, you can begin the process of change and have the strength to endure to the end. How often have you felt that you just weren’t righteous enough or that your best wasn’t good enough? When you look around at ward members, friends, or family… Continue reading

Making Sense of Mental Illness

Whether you struggle with mental illness or want to help someone who does, you can find hope by understanding it more thoroughly. “She’s gotten so crazy!” “He had so much potential.” “Snap out of it!” We often say things like this when we don’t understand how to help friends or… Continue reading