Belonging to God’s Family

People leaning together.

How I found belonging as a single member of the Church It was my first week in a family ward when the Relief Society president asked me to introduce myself. I offered a brief spiel, and after a moment’s pause, an older sister asked, “Are you married?” I felt several… Continue reading

Our Identity Gives Us Purpose

A group of people standing in a line, supporting each other and facing away.

Our identity isn’t determined by worldly labels or arbitrary divisions. We all inherit a divine identity and purpose from our eternal parents. I’ve always had a lot of identities. I’m a Southern Californian, a redhead, an oldest sibling, a student, a book-lover, a woman, and a daughter. There are so… Continue reading

Remembering Our True Identity

Person standing in the middle of a road

When we remember our true identity, we’re better prepared to serve our spiritual brothers and sisters. I’m the type of person who, during a one-hour drive, can listen to all sorts of music—classical, country, rock, indie, pop, opera, and Broadway. So, I easily connect with people who also love all… Continue reading

The Illusion of Waiting

People Sitting on Benches in Waiting Room

Although we may have to wait for some blessings, we need not stand still. Since the start of the COVID-19 pandemic, we have all had to put our lives on hold in one way or another. However, pandemic or not, at times we may feel perpetually stuck in the waiting… Continue reading

General Conference Roundup: April 2019

“May [Heavenly Father] bless us to strive with patience and persistence toward the ideals we have heard proclaimed this conference weekend.” —Elder Jeffrey R. Holland The 189th Annual General Conference has come to an end. But that doesn’t mean the learning and loving that happens during this sacred weekend has… Continue reading

How to Prioritize Your Happiness

Put your happiness first by balancing spiritual, personal, and temporal responsibilities. Despite hectic schedules filled with work, school, church, and social responsibilities, living every day with joy in our hearts is possible. It’s a common belief that we need to be busy to be productive and valuable. But our value… Continue reading

Called to the Cavalry

You don’t need a name tag, satchel, and pair of walking shoes to effectively share the gospel. When my dad was in high school, he was less active in the Church. At the end of his senior year, a friend encouraged him to pray and ask if God exists. “If… Continue reading

The Only Goal That Matters

close up on foosball table.

When we become uncertain, overwhelmed, or lost in this life, we can reorient ourselves toward the goal that matters: returning to Christ. For as long as I can remember, I have had some goal that I was working toward. First it was to be more involved in my small community. Then… Continue reading

3 Ways to Explain the Unexplainable

We can still have faith in Christ, even when we struggle to understand the gospel. With modern technology, we have so much knowledge at our fingertips—yet, having resources that are only a few taps away doesn’t mean we can answer all of life’s questions. Our current scientific theories can’t explain… Continue reading

Contest Winner: Honeybees and Service

bee on a sunflower

Out of small things—even “honeybees”—great things can come to pass. Though I lacked the funds, the feeling that I should do something to help a missionary’s struggling family in Tonga persisted. This elder had served long and faithfully in our stake; now his mother’s diagnosis of cancer and mounting medical… Continue reading