You Are Everything to God

In a world with billions of people, it’s easy to feel insignificant. But you matter. Remember the last time you took a moment to stand still and look up at the stars? Doing so reminds me of how incredible our Heavenly Father’s creations are. It also reminds me of how… Continue reading

One Way to Help Loved Ones Come Back to Jesus

two friends holding a third friend. All of them are excited and happy

Sometimes helping our loved ones come back to Jesus seems impossible. How can we help them on their journey? We all know someone who has followed a path that leads away from Jesus Christ. We strive to love them, support them, and eventually bring them back to the Savior—but all… Continue reading

Conquering Comparison

One person holding a large pineapple holding it next to someone holding a much smaller pineapple

“Charity renders powerless this temptation to compare.” –J. B. Haws  If you have ever been caught in the trap of self-demeaning comparison, you are in good company—it’s a shared human weakness. If we are to become like Christ, we need to overcome the tendency to compare ourselves to others. But… Continue reading

One Thing You’re Forgetting When You Pray

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If you’re praying for God’s healing Balm of Gilead, remember that other people are too. You might be surprised how serving others will call down the power of heaven on your own behalf. Mortality is hard for all of us—nothing we do can earn us a pass from the “sore… Continue reading

Struggling Through Life Together

Sunrise over a field

We all go through hard things in life, but when we make time to help other people, we can better overcome difficulty. Someone who has never struggled through hard times has never lived. We all face challenges, and many of them are not easily fixed. Trials and challenges are part… Continue reading

What Can I Do to Help?

“For those of us who have watched news of recent events and have felt helpless to know what to do, the answer might actually be right before us.” —Bonnie L. Oscarson What can one person do against the impossibly dark flood of war, disease, poverty, and hate? Christ answers with… Continue reading

Rein It In: Controlling Our Anger

Lightning in the sky at night above a city

To build a testimony of Jesus Christ, we need to control our anger toward His other children, even when we don’t share the same opinions. When I was a child, one of my father’s favorite spiritual lessons was about bridling passions (Alma 38:12). He would explain what the function of… Continue reading

Giving the Gift of Receiving

As we give gifts to bring happiness to the people around us, we must also receive gifts cheerfully and thankfully, especially the ones from God.  About 1,990 years ago, Jesus Christ suffered in Gethsemane and died on a cross. His life on Earth was spent giving gifts of joy and… Continue reading

My Second Life … As a Latter-day Saint

The Salt Lake City Temple

The first time I heard the story of Joseph Smith and the First Vision was at Temple Square in Salt Lake City during a guided tour. I believed it. But my family didn’t. My father said it was the most bogus story he had ever heard. I was crushed and… Continue reading

How Church Structure Brings Us Closer to Christ

Three Women Laughing

Without loving leaders and members at church, there would be few places for us to be buoyed up and “nourished by the good word of God”.  Sister Reyna I. Aburto was nine years old when a devastating earthquake rocked her home country of Nicaragua. Her brother died in the earthquake,… Continue reading