Education: More Than Preparation for Motherhood

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As women in the Church, we often hear that an education will prepare us for motherhood. But perhaps the Lord wants us to prepare for that and more. Many women in the Church have contemplated this question: “If I want to be a stay-at-home mom, why should I gain an… Continue reading

One Way to Help Loved Ones Come Back to Jesus

two friends holding a third friend. All of them are excited and happy

Sometimes helping our loved ones come back to Jesus seems impossible. How can we help them on their journey? We all know someone who has followed a path that leads away from Jesus Christ. We strive to love them, support them, and eventually bring them back to the Savior—but all… Continue reading

Changing Life Directions?

Child with crayons

Life circumstances change constantly. Sometimes we get caught in an unexpected flow, but we can make that a good thing. In a devotional given at Brigham Young University, Sister Janet G. Lee told a poignant story about her daughter’s kindergarten registration. When Sister Lee and her daughter Stephanie arrived at… Continue reading