Enduring Trials of Our Faith

Trials sometimes cause us to cry, “Why me?” But instead of asking the Lord to remove our trials, we can learn to recognize them as opportunities to become more Christlike. “Whatever the form the test takes, we must be willing to pass it,” said Elder Neal A. Maxwell in a 1974… Continue reading

10 Characteristics of an Educated Person

Education can help you learn about your eternal nature, discover truth and self-discipline, and become who God wants you to be. Personal questions can help us evaluate our educational progress: “Where am I now? What do I need to do better? What do I need to learn in order to… Continue reading

How to Be Great Now

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Small and simple actions add up to a meaningful life. Christlike love transforms our simple, everyday living into something extraordinary. Have you ever looked closely at a single drop of water? In a massive ocean, a drop doesn’t seem to make much of a difference. But the ocean is made… Continue reading

A Formula for Healing

sun shining through a grassy field

Healing is possible for all people and all problems through courage, action, and the Savior’s grace. In a world of ever-increasing suffering, many of us find ourselves searching for relief. Some feel marginalized as we struggle to overcome challenges that may be considered uncommon, extreme, or even taboo. For example,… Continue reading

LDS Church and Religious Freedom: Five Key Beliefs

You’ve heard bits and pieces about the LDS Church’s stance on religious freedom and LGBT rights. Here are five key beliefs, as outlined by Church leaders. In a historic news conference held on January 27, 2015, leaders of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints took a bold stance on… Continue reading

Born for Glory: Our Divine Nature and Potential

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Sheri Dew discusses five ways God gives us his power: his word, the gift of the Holy Ghost, priesthood, temple, and the Savior’s Atonement. We have been told that we are the generation that will carry the kingdom of God to victory. “Do you think God would have left the… Continue reading

Four Ways to Turn Weaknesses into Strengths

man in a pew praying

Building on our strengths, recognizing our limitations, relying on the Savior, and receiving his grace can help us find strength in God. God consistently chooses the young, small, weak, and humble to do his work. In a Brigham Young University devotional, Bishop Gérald Caussé, First Counselor in the Presiding Bishopric,… Continue reading

The Three Pillars of Eternity: Creation, Fall, and Atonement

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By learning about these three great events of the plan of salvation, we can better understand God’s eternal plan for us. In a 1981 Brigham Young University devotional, Elder Bruce R. McConkie (1915–85), then serving as a member of the Quorum of the Twelve Apostles, teaches about the “three pillars of… Continue reading

Faith in the Future

girl looking to left

How can we overcome our fear of the future and avoid looking longingly at the past? Elder Jeffrey R. Holland implores us to “Remember Lot’s Wife,” to avoid looking back, and to instead look toward the future with faith in the Lord. In a Brigham Young University devotional, Elder Jeffrey R. Holland… Continue reading