Seeing Samson as a Messianic Prototype

Archaeological digs have uncovered mosaics and prayers suggesting Samson as an important messianic prototype in ancient Galilee. Samson of the Old Testament is revered for his strength and wit in his endeavors to deliver Israel from the Philistines. But his affair with Delilah made the biblical judge a controversial character,… Continue reading

Church Disciplinary Councils: Acts of Love

Christ comforts the woman taken in adultery

High-profile cases of Church discipline have recently made national headlines, leading some people to question the need for excommunication. Church disciplinary councils lovingly invite those who seriously transgress to repent and start over with the full blessings of the gospel. Elder M. Russell Ballard of the Quorum of the Twelve… Continue reading

Making Sense of Mental Illness

Whether you struggle with mental illness or want to help someone who does, you can find hope by understanding it more thoroughly. “She’s gotten so crazy!” “He had so much potential.” “Snap out of it!” We often say things like this when we don’t understand how to help friends or… Continue reading

Joseph Smith’s Example of Accepting the Lord’s Will

Pen laying on a piece of paper with old script writing

In a letter to his wife, Emma, the Prophet Joseph Smith shows his willingness to humbly submit to the will of the Lord. In 1832, Joseph Smith and other Church leaders traveled from Ohio to Missouri and back. They were delayed in Indiana for one month on their journey home because Newel… Continue reading

Joseph Smith’s Handwritten Account of the First Vision

portrait of Joseph Smith Jr.

Joseph Smith’s 1832 account of the First Vision preserves personal and intimate details that are not recorded elsewhere. The only known account in Joseph Smith’s own handwriting of his early spiritual experiences—including the First Vision—are included in his 1832 personal history. This unique history can be read on The Joseph… Continue reading

Extraordinary Beginnings: The Nauvoo Relief Society Minute Book

Discover how the Relief Society was founded, how the organization’s name was decided, and how the early Church’s women became sisters. Within the large collection of documents called the Joseph Smith Papers, there is a precious treasure that is particularly significant to women of the Church: the Nauvoo Relief Society… Continue reading

Treasures from the Wentworth Letter

Discover the original document containing an account of the First Vision, the Standard of Truth, and the Articles of Faith. In 1842, John Wentworth, editor and owner of a newspaper, Chicago Democrat, asked Joseph Smith to write a summary and history of the early Church. Joseph took this opportunity to… Continue reading

A Trial of Faith: The Beginning of Plural Marriage in Nauvoo

Nauvoo temple

Joseph Smith’s Nauvoo journals include brief references to the revelation about plural marriage that tried his faith and the faith of the Saints. How can we make sense of plural marriage or explain it to others? One place to begin is the introduction to Joseph Smith’s Nauvoo journals found on… Continue reading

Generating Happiness, Rather than Just Consuming It

A womans smile

How can we find the road to happiness in our turbulent world? Happiness comes from righteousness, selflessness, service, and inner peace. In our constant search for happiness, we experience life’s endless ups and downs. While serving as a member of the Quorum of the Twelve Apostles, Elder James E. Faust  (1920–2007)… Continue reading